Graphic Recording ist a visual method for capturing ideas and discussions that occur during a meeting or event.
A Graphic Recorder is present and records the key statements and connections in real-time on a large canvas or whiteboard. The resulting image serves as a graphic summary of the discussion and offers an emotional and engaging alternative to traditional text records.
Companies often employ this method during events, annual gatherings, seminars, strategy sessions, and vision workshops to enhance content retention and foster understanding among various stakeholders.
The resulting visual materials can also be used for advertising or internal communication. Ultimately, they provide an independent external perspective at the end of the event, appreciated by both customers and the audience.
Annual Meetings and Keynotes
Strategy Discussions and Vision Workshops
Conflict Discussions
Problem Solving and Simplifying Complexity
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Bianca has accumulated 14 years of experience as a requirements engineer, business analyst, and senior process engineer in the IT departments of large corporations.
She is a certified 'Visual Process Designer' and 'Graphic Recording Professional,' with numerous additional training and certifications in areas such as moderation, leadership, business analysis and design, psychology, coaching, and healthcare.
In addition, she has completed various graphic courses and online training with renowned instructors in the USA (Diane Bleck), Switzerland (Stefan Kunz), Germany (Eva-Lotta Lamm), and the United Kingdom (Scriberia).
Since 2010, Bianca has been running her own studio, 'Goldene Mitte,' in the healthcare sector, and since 2016, she has been providing visualizations and graphic recordings for reputable companies.
She illustrated the book 'Kaoskontroll' by Norwegian ADHD expert Britta Bech Gulbrandsen and designed a marketing book for a professor in Kuwait.
A visual real-time summary of your meeting or presentation, created live on-site or via Zoom / Teams.
Hand-drawn illustrations (marker - fully analog or digitally created) for your book.
Visual facilitation of your workshop or introductory seminars on improving visualization in businesses or universities.
Send an email or give us a call to discuss your event and check for our availability.
After our conversation, I'll provide you with a customized quote tailored to your event.
Once the contract is finalized, I'll support your event graphically, whether it's online or on-site, and present you with the results afterward.
Pharmaceuticals / Diagnostics / Medicine
Information Technology / AI
Insurance & Health Insurance
Energy / Industrial
Workshops on Vision/Mission
Graphic recording makes the difference and captivates your participants.
Contact us today.